Sep 1, 2019

June Lake

 Summer at June Lake beautiful weather and nature so much to love and enjoy.

Obsidian Mountain

Jul 30, 2019

Iced Flowers

Every flower I photograph now gets to take a water bath and get frozen in a block of ice. I love the

unique look and texture the ice provides and that the flower is being preserved for a moment. Frozen

 peonies one of my favorites.

The same photo mounted on cradle board and painted with wax.

Jun 28, 2019

Portraits of Peonies

According to FTD peonies stand for romance, prosperity, a happy marriage, riches, compassion and 

bashfulness. One of my absolute favorite flowers to photography they have such a subtle fragrance 

and beautiful petals.

Pink represents the most romantic color of Peony.

Pale Pink is the bashful color of Peony.

 Deep Pink color of Peony represents wealth and prosperity.

May 10, 2019

Flower Journaling

One of my favorite new magazines is Where Women Create. The latest copy of The Mindful Studios

 has an artist Claire Wellesley Smith that shows how she uses thread and slow stitching to journal 

each morning as a way to meditate and gather herself for the day. I was so inspired I had to try it. I 

love stitching but have always had a pattern to follow with an end in mind. This stitching has no 

pattern really or end you just make stitches it is very relaxing and fun. I started using the flower I was

 photographing for the day as my inspiration so I picked the colors of floss that match the flower and 

am loving it. I haven't tried dying my own thread and actually growing plants or flowers to use to dye 

thread as she does. I am just using floss I have on hand and scraps of linen I already have.

This is another project I tried from the book "Slow Stitch" from the same author. It is a log cabin 

using scraps of fabric no exact measuring just hand stitching.

More journal stitching colors of the beach

 Hand stitched hexagons that I had stashed away and wanted to get out to hand stitch after seeing 

some in the book "Slow Stitch"